Jersey Pride
The Stonewall Uprising took place 51 years ago, and it was a violent riot against police brutality led by trans and queer women of color. One of those women was Marsha P. Johnson, a native of Elizabeth, New Jersey. In the years since, brave members of New Jersey’s LGBTQ community have continued in her footsteps.
As our nation struggles in this moment of crisis, it’s more important than ever that we remember our history, act now in the spirit of Stonewall, and inspire those who will carry us into the future.
Make no mistake, Pride will be different this year for many reasons. We cannot gather in Asbury Park on the first weekend in June, as we have done since 1992, for New Jersey’s Annual Statewide Pride Celebration. However, we will still celebrate our pride this year. We have postponed this year’s Pride event to coincide with National Coming Out Day on Sunday, October 11.