The world’s first app to connect Rainbow-friendly businesses with Rainbow consumers launches on 25 February.
Rainbow Pages is the brain-child of James Bennett, a gay-queer Aucklander.
“Like many people in LGBTTQI communities, I often felt a bit nervous when dealing with a business that I didn’t know and wished there was an easy way of identifying Rainbow-friendly ones,” Bennett explained to eikon.
“I was at a function one evening when a person I was speaking with commented that they needed to get a tradesperson out to their home.
“Their LGBTTQI lifestyle was very much in evidence there and they were worried about what kind of reaction they would receive from the tradesperson.
“They told me it would take so much stress away if there was an easy way of identifying Rainbow-friendly businesses. That’s when I decided to do something about it.”
Research shows that 77% of Rainbow consumers actively support Rainbow-friendly businesses, so Rainbow Pages is a winning proposition for businesses and Rainbow consumers alike.
Bennett said that any business – Rainbow-owned or not – may advertise on Rainbow Pages, just so long as they are Rainbow-friendly.
The platform has a range of affordable options that give businesses of all sizes flexible, highly targeted coverage.
Rainbow Pages works much like a dating app in that it lets users know the Rainbow-friendly businesses closest to them at any given point in time.
Businesses can opt for static advertisements (ideal for fixed location businesses, such as cafes) or roaming ads (ideal for tradespeople and businesses whose representatives are on the move).
Bennett said that Rainbow Pages is more than just an advertising platform.
“We are passionate about giving back to LGBTTQI+ communities. In addition to providing free listings for Rainbow and Rainbow-friendly not-for-profit organisations, we also give 10% of all our revenue to Rainbow community groups.
“It’s a win-win for everyone.”
Registrations for Rainbow-friendly businesses have already opened on rainbowpages.co.nz and consumers will be able to download the app from 25 February.
Last Updated on Mar 7, 2017
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