Lawmakers in Canada have introduced a new bill that would put a ban in place for so-called conversion therapy nationwide.
The new bill which was proposed last week aims to outlaw the dangerous and ineffective practice known as ‘conversion therapy’ across all states in Canada.
Attorney General David Lametti and Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth Bardish Chagger introduced the measure that would amend Canada’s Criminal Code, and says the proposed amendments would punish those who cause “a minor to undergo conversion therapy,” remove “a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad,” cause “a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will,” profit “from providing conversion therapy” and advertise “an offer to provide conversion therapy.”
“The legislation would also authorize courts to order the seizure of conversion therapy advertisements or to order their removal from computer systems or the Internet,” notes a Canadian government press release that announced the bill’s introduction.
Conversion therapy is a cruel practice that can lead to life-long trauma. https://t.co/4PV1Zen9vT pic.twitter.com/JXVtcjcjH7
— Min. David Lametti (@MinJusticeEn) March 9, 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has praised the proposal, following publically calling for a ban on conversion therapy in Canada last December.
“Conversion therapy is harmful, degrading and has no place in Canada,” tweeted Trudeau.
Should the ban be approved, Canada would join Brazil, Ecuador, Malta and Taiwan in banning the widely discredited practice.
Last Updated on Mar 16, 2020
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