One of Australia’s oldest Aussie Rules football teams, the Melbourne University Blacks have swapped tradition for a rainbow show of support for LGBTI people.
As part of a broader campaign to support LGBTI people, The Melbourne University Blacks swapped their traditional colours for rainbow jumpers.
The move was part of the “gay? that’s ok” campaign. The team has described the initiative as something “to be proud of. When all individuals are welcome to be part of the team.”
In conjunction with the players wearing rainbow jerseys, the team also painted its 50-metre line with rainbow colours.
The initiative has been inspired by former player Lachlan Beaton, who hid his sexuality for years before coming out.
The has became the first of its kind in the Victorian Amateur Football Association to show its support for the initiative however other teams have already announced plans to do the same in upcoming matches.
Last Updated on Aug 31, 2015
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