Australia has changed its Prime Minister again tonight after a Liberal Party room meeting elected the gay-friendly Malcolm Turnbull 54-44 to the top job.
The change occured on a tension filled day in Australian politics which saw a sitting Prime Minister removed by the party for the third time in six years.
The new Prime Minister has the ear of the gay lobby in Australia as his electorate centres around the inner Sydney surburbs of Darlinghurst and Paddington which are strong gay suburbs.
Turnbull has clearly shown his interest in marriage-equality and voted for it in the party vote only last month, but even today has still not made clear whether the current Government decision on marriage equality will remain.
On taking on the Prime Minister-ship, Malcolm Turnbull was adamant he would not make captain’s calls.
“This has been an important day for our party and the nation,” he said.
“We need to have in this country an economic vision and leadership that explains the great challnges and opportunities we face.
“This will be a thoroughly liberal government, committed to freedom, the individual and the market.
“There has never been a more exciting time to be alive than today.”
Last Updated on Sep 15, 2015
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