Mr Gay New Zealand has featured in a parody of the Justin Bieber roast television commercial to announce his support for the New Zealand Aids Foundation (NZAF) and LYC.
The partnership which will assist Matt Fistonich to travel to South Africa for the Mr Gay World competition later this month will see him promote education and understanding about preventing the transmission of HIV and providing support for people living with HIV.
Despite the videos light hearted nature it will be used along with other collaborations to draw attention to the fact that 80 percent of HIV infections and Syphilis cases in New Zealand are among gay and bi-sexual Men, and that a gay man has a higher chance of getting anal cancer from HPV than a woman does of getting cervical cancer.
Speaking with Eikon, LYC Spokeperson Joe Rich said, “We’re really excited to be supporting Matt Fistonich for this year’s Mr Gay World competition in South Africa.”
“The competition is a great platform for raising awareness about HIV and having gotten to know Matt, we have a lot of faith in his ability to carry out that task,” Mr Rich said.
“One of the purposes of the MGW competition is to establish ambassadors for LGBTI equality.
“When we talk about equality, we really need to include health equality.
“Marriage equality is great, but it’s not enough.
“Too many of our young queer people are affected by mental health and suicide. And HIV has become a silent epidemic.
“To achieve true equality we have to start talking more about our health.
“What better place to do that than at a competition that’s really pushing to find leaders for equality.”
Since partnering up with NZAF and LYC Matt has said, “I am proud to put my name next to the New Zealand Aids foundation and LYC as I believe they are fantastic causes to support and get involved with.”
“I personally knew very little about HIV and AIDS, and that is one of my biggest reasons for getting behind NZAF and LYC, as I believe many gay and bi-sexual men around the country are in the same boat.
“The more I can do to help promote education and awareness about HIV and AIDS the better.”
The introductory video of the collaboration is a parody of a Justin Bieber Roast Advertisement where topless Justin Bieber (who bares a strikingly similar resemblance to Matt) is pelted with eggs.
“It was an extremely fun video to make,” said Fistonich.
“I suspect more fun for the LYC crew who have terrible aim and insisted on throwing the water filled condoms at my face.”
More information on the New Zealand Aids Foundation and LYC can be found at our Community Page.
For more information about Mr Gay NZ and following Matt during the Mr Gay World competition check out www.mrgaynewzealand.com
Last Updated on Mar 14, 2016
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