One of the leading real estate companies in Southern Europe has joined the pride wave for Milan Pride this weekend by producing a heartwarming video that highlights the value of diversity, love and family.
The video campaign, by Idealista, which sees eight different couples (straight, gay, lesbian and transgender people), exploits the propulsive force of diversity, celebrates love and differences in all their wealth and brings out what is completely normalized within the home, and the support for the LGBT+ community that takes to the streets every year with Milan Pride.
This all happening on the same weekend of World Pride in New York City.

The commercial features the famous “Va ‘Pensiero” tune, the Italian anthem to freedom par excellence, composed by Giuseppe Verdi and is a chorus in the opera Nabucco.
The chorus represents the passionate kisses of lovers, and as part of the campaign, idealista invites couples to leave their own walls, to show their own diversity, its uniqueness, its loves; without the fear of being judged, humiliated or despised. Because the family is one!
Many different couples are shown, as we peer in through the windows of the huge house. The house becomes a window on the world through which people should be free to lay bare with determination and courage.

“We are really happy to be a sponsor of this extraordinary celebration of freedom,” declared Vincenzo De Tommaso, Head of Communication of idealista
“This video is our tribute to support the recognition of LGBT+ rights.
“The naturalness of a wide-open window kiss is our way of saying that everything can be done in the light of the sun, with respect, but that the most important thing is the love between two people, the basis of true families.”
Idealista will actively participate in the June 30 Milan pride parade with a large and colourful wagon, on which the people of the company and all the friends of idealista will take part.
Watch the idealista commercial at your gay nation below.
Last Updated on Jun 29, 2019
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