The Melbourne gay scene has been rocked by a disturbing sign posted on the main “gay strip” suggesting people should “kick a poofter to death”.
It was posted on a pole opposite Chasers Nightclub, a generally straight nightclub which on Saturday nights becomes the gay club Poof Doof.
The club, in Chapel Street South Yarra, opposite KFC, was removed by police but pictures of the sign have emerged on social media.

The sign which reads, ‘Cure Aids, kick a poofter to death’, has drawn fire from all levels of the community with gay activists saying it is simply designed to terrify gay people and those living with HIV.
Gay activist Gregory Storer posted the image on Facebook after receiving it from a friend and said there is no excuse for this type of behaviour.
“This is the sort of narrow-minded hatred that will happen when you decided that homosexual men like me deserve to be treated as second-class citizens,” Mr Storer explained to Leader Newspapers.
Gay radio station presenter Peter De Groot said he had been made aware of the signs by a friend this morning.
“One of my friends went down to get milk this morning and saw it and he told me he felt terrible about himself,” Mr de Groot said to Leader Newspapers.
“Some people say terrible things and you just don’t believe it.
“It’s not just homophobia, but it’s discriminatory to anyone living with HIV, it’s not just a gay thing.”
Prahran Police Acting Senior Sergeant Lisa Prince said at this stage no other signs had been found.
“All of our members have been informed to be aware of things like this which we take very seriously,” Sgt Prince said.
“It is terribly offensive, highly inappropriate and fortunately, some members of the public have seen fit to scratch it off.
“At this stage we’re treating it as an isolated incident and there hasn’t been any other reports of more like this popping up.”
Last Updated on Jan 27, 2016
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