Google, politicians and celebrities are showing their support and getting behind the major Pride Festivals which are in full swing across the globe this weekend including some of the major US cities which will hold their annual pride celebrations.
Boston Pride kicks off its parade on Saturday which will be the culmination of two weeks of gay fun in the university city. Across the weeks many celebrities have been sending Boston Pride love via YouTube due to this year being the 45th anniversary of the festival.
Long Island Pride continues the busy New York State schedule for June with Long Island Pride this weekend.
This is at peak summer season for Americans so the parade, kicking off on Saturday at 6pm will be packed.
Its the 25th anniversary of Long Island Pride this year.
One of the largest events on the US calendar is Washington DC Pride. Capital Pride as its now known is celebrating its 40th pride year and will again culminate in the official capital pride parade at 4.30pm on Saturday through the streets of Washington DC.
The Parade will include more than 170 contingents–floats, vehicles, walkers, entertainment–consisting of local businesses, Capital Pride Heroes and Engendered Spirit awardees, politicians, community groups, drag queens and the odd dog or two.
Probably the largest of the pride festivals in the US outside of San Francisco will be celebrated this weekend in West Hollywood as LA Pride takes centre stage with the likes of Kesha, Fifth Harmony and Wilson Phillips all performing.
The parade through the streets of West Hollywood will start at the top of Santa Monica Boulevard at 11am on Sunday and make its way down the famous WEHO strip to finish in the park behind some of the famous LA niteclubs.
Google has decked out its search results in a rainbow of colours in support of LA Pride, which marks 45 years since its inception.
Google has added special graphics to the search results for “LA Pride”, showing a rainbow heart and a similarly multi-coloured line of people holding hands at the top.

Google has long supported Pride events, including events around the world last year. The company calls its LGBT and ally staff members “Gayglers”.
LA Pride isn’t Google’s local march, even though it takes place in the company’s home state. Silicon Valley — Facebook and Apple, as well as Google — usually turn out for the San Francisco event, which takes place later in June.
To keep up to date with all the images and excitement from pride this weekend follow along on our social page and if you are visiting any pride festival use the hashtag #eikon to be featured.
Last Updated on Jun 12, 2015
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