Virgin Australia loses case to Daniel McNish
2 min read

In a thrilling victory for worker rights, Virgin Australia cabin crew member Dylan Macnish has been vindicated and reinstated after a rollercoaster battle against his unjust dismissal.

The Fair Work Commission slammed the airline’s “mystifying” approach to allegations against Macnish, setting the stage for a gripping tale of resilience and redemption.

Macnish’s ordeal began in September 2023, just over a year into his employment with Virgin Australia. What unfolded was a series of accusations that would leave anyone’s head spinning – claims of reporting to work hungover, inventing a medical emergency, and breaching drug and alcohol policies at a Christmas party. But Macnish wasn’t going down without a fight.


The first twist in this saga came when Lydia Ridge, Virgin’s leader of crew culture, accused Macnish of being hungover at work. Macnish vehemently denied the claims, insisting he was merely tired, not hungover. But Ridge wasn’t convinced, and a tense one-on-one meeting followed. Little did Macnish know, this was just the beginning of his battle.

Fast forward to November 2023, and Macnish found himself at the centre of a medical drama. After a harrowing experience assisting a collapsed passenger, Macnish was left shaken and unable to sleep. He did the responsible thing and reported his fatigue, only to have Ridge question his motives and accuse him of fabricating the incident to facilitate a rendezvous arranged on the Grindr app.

The plot thickened as CCTV footage and hotel room swipe card records were scrutinized, but Macnish stood his ground, insisting he had done nothing wrong.

As the holiday season approached, Macnish attended the Virgin Christmas party, unaware that his every move was being watched. After enjoying a single glass of prosecco, he was accused of being intoxicated and breaching the airline’s drug and alcohol policy. Despite his protests and evidence to the contrary, the allegations stuck, and on February 1, 2024, Macnish was handed his marching orders.

But this wasn’t the end of Macnish’s story. Determined to clear his name, he took his case to the Fair Work Commission.

Virgin Australia landing

Commissioner Pearl Lim meticulously dissected each allegation, growing increasingly bewildered by Virgin’s handling of the situation. In a scathing rebuke, Lim labelled the airline’s approach as “mystifying” and found that Macnish’s dismissal was unfair.

Lim’s findings were a whirlwind of common sense and justice. She noted that inviting someone into one’s hotel room was common practice among employees and that Macnish’s use of the Grindr app was irrelevant. Moreover, she found that Macnish had not breached any policies at the Christmas party, as he was not rostered on, had checked with his manager, and was compliant with relevant regulations.

In a heart-pounding conclusion, the Commission ordered Virgin Australia to reinstate Macnish to his previous position. The case has sent shockwaves through the industry, highlighting the importance of clear communication, fair treatment, and the dangers of jumping to conclusions.

Macnish’s triumph is a testament to his unwavering determination and a stark reminder of the power of standing up for one’s rights. The case also shines a light on the unique challenges faced by LGBT+ employees, with Macnish’s openness about his sexuality and use of the Grindr app playing a role in the allegations against him.

As Australia continues to strive for greater equality and inclusivity, stories like Macnish’s serve as a rallying cry for those fighting against injustice.

Virgin Australia has not yet commented on the Commission’s decision.

Last Updated on Aug 27, 2024

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