The engagement has only just aired, but today it was confirmed that Australia will get its first same-sex TV wedding when Aaron and David marry on Neighbours.
Planned to air on September 3, filming of the wedding has occurred this week on the set of Neighbours at the Network Ten studios in Melbourne.
Actors Matt Wilson(Aaron) and Takaya Honda (David) have released shots on their social media to show that the wedding actually happened.
Excitement surrounds an Australian television first, with @neighbours set to broadcast the first same sex marriage since Australians voted “yes”. #TenNews @CandiceWyatt10 pic.twitter.com/TfJbnFxh4M
— Ten News Melbourne (@tennewsmelb) May 30, 2018
Actress Magda Szubanski played the role of the celebrant at the wedding.
Speaking on social media, Wilson said the event was an historic moment for Neighbours and Australian TV.
“We are both ecstatic to be part of this huge moment and it stands alone as the highlight of my career,” said Wilson.
“This storyline means a lot to me, my friends and to all the fans who love Aaron and David.”
Takaya Honda added that he and Wilson were so proud to play these characters and could not be happier with the overwhelming and positive response they have had to the relationship.
“It is an absolute privilege to be part of what is and what will be a historic moment in Australian television,” Honda said.
“There have been so many parts of David’s story that have given me a great sense of pride – from discovering Paul Robinson was his dad, to his coming out to now marrying the man of his dreams.”
The wedding will appear on Australian and UK screens on September 3.
Last Updated on May 31, 2018
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