The head of state of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II, has spoken to Radio Liechtenstein and confirmed his position on same-sex marriages saying “Gays can get married, but they can’t adopt”.
The prince of one of the smallest countries in Europe was asked about the legalization of same-sex marriages, in which case he said he considered it dangerous to allow same-sex couples at the same time.
“I have nothing against it (same-sex marriages) as long as it does not mean that homosexuals can also adopt,” the Prince said.
“Children have the right to grow up in a normal family. There is a problem if two homosexuals are allowed to adopt.”
The issue is topical in Liechtenstein, as there were elections in the country on February 7 and it may mean that there is a majority for the legalization of same-sex marriages. As head of state, the Prince has threatened to exercise his veto if the bill included a right of adoption for same-sex couples.
Hans-Adam has previously expressed his homophobic positions. Five years ago, the message was the same and on the same radio station. At the time, the prince ruled that the right of same-sex adoption was wrong: “It is irresponsible to allow homosexuals to adopt young boys”.
Liechtenstein is a democracy, but as head of state, the Prince has the opportunity to use his appeal in laws he considers inappropriate.
LGBTQ Organisation Flay Liechtenstein said they consider the Prince’s last and previous statements to be problematic and absurd.
“We are speechless,” Flay Liechtenstein wrote on its Facebook page.
“The organization is concerned that Liechtenstein is becoming one of the worst countries in Europe in terms of equality.
Following the comments, locals are placing rainbow flags and balloons at places of importance across the jurisdiction showing their own silent protest to the comments.
“Even if we find the statement of the prince very problematic, the positive effect is that the Liechtenstein people can even think about the topic and form a hopefully differentiated opinion on it. From our own experience, we know that this is often the first step in removing or removing prejudices and fears.
“The reason for this is to rethink your own opinion/attitude. In this regard, we would like to appeal to everyone to use the current debate to make an unbiased picture of this topic and to share with other people about it.
Last Updated on Feb 22, 2021
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