Portuguese gay couple Pedro and Lorenzo have released a new heartwarming and tear-jerking video showing public reactions to them holding hands at a soccer stadium.
The couple who have uploaded a similar video in that past showing the reactions of people when they hold hands walking the streets in their home town of Lisbon in Portugal, address the criticisms of some viewers, who suggested that they would not find the same level of tolerance if they stepped outside Lisbon’s relatively urban setting.
“The most frequent comment that we received was that if we did this experiment again in the north of Portugal, the reactions might be a little different. We were even told there was a chance we would be killed if we attended a game at the Oporto soccer stadium. So of course, we immediately accepted the challenge.”
Similar experiments in Jerusalem and Russia, and Kiev resulted in open hostility and even physical violence against the couples in question.
However same-sex couple Pedro and Lorenzo ultimately had a more positive experience when filming their first video in Portugal’s capital of Lisbon.
“Our hope is that videos like this one will allow at least one gay couple to lose their fear and walk with pride and a smile on their face,” the couple said.
Last Updated on Sep 12, 2015
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