The Boy, the Queen, and Everything In Between (Facebook)
The Boy, the Queen, and Everything In Between (Facebook)
2 min read

A new drag-centric series, “The Boy, the Queen, and Everything In Between”, waltzed onto New Zealand TV screens earlier this year, heralding a new era of representation and storytelling.

Set against the colourful backdrop of Auckland’s iconic Karangahape Road(K’ Rd), the six-episode dramedy shines the spotlight on the realities, struggles, and vibrant community of queer individuals.

The storyline is as outlandish as they come: the titular boy, Jacob, is released from prison on the condition that he secures employment within two weeks. When traditional job-seeking efforts fail, he’s forced to seek the help of his estranged father, who just happens to be Aotearoa’s most notorious drag queen and owner of a renowned drag club in the heart of K’ Rd. Reluctance meets necessity, and the queen agrees to give the boy a job.


The drag club becomes the focal point of the series, serving as the petri dish within which relationships blossom and conflicts emerge. Catapulted into his father’s extravagant world, Jacob finds himself navigating a realm pulsating with larger-than-life personalities, where queens exude attitude and every corner harbours secrets waiting to be unveiled.

Written, directed, and produced by Ramon Te Wake, the series delves into a myriad of complex issues – from the intricacies of trans parenting and trans dating to the importance of safe spaces and the unique bonds they foster.

The series also comments on the pressure put upon prominent queer individuals to uphold the community’s positive image and touches on the historic struggles of LGBTQIA+, as well as the evolution in societal attitudes and the transgender experience over time.

Conveying these issues is a talented cast of Aotearoa’s LGBTQIA+ personalities, including Awa Puna, Amanduh La Whore, Murdoch Keane, and “RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under” winner Spankie Jackson.

Drawing on authentic lived experience, the actors depict the realities of queer life in a way that fosters empathy and understanding, encouraging conversations around identity and acceptance.

“The Boy, The Queen, and Everything In Between” is more than just entertainment; it’s a beacon of queer visibility, a platform for authentic LGBTQIA+ voices and a celebration of New Zealand’s drag culture.

Kiwis can watch “The Boy, the Queen, and Everything In Between” on TVNZ+ now, Australian audiences can watch from May 1 on NITV, while international viewing options are not available at this time.

Last Updated on Apr 8, 2024

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