Toxic Masculinity
2 min read

A new study has shed light on the early development of aggressive behaviour in boys, linking it to perceived threats to their masculinity.

Researchers found that adolescent boys, particularly those raised in environments with rigid gender roles, are more likely to respond aggressively when they feel their manhood is challenged.

The study, published in Developmental Science, explored the link between social pressure to conform to traditional masculinity and aggressive behaviour.


The researchers found that boys who felt compelled to act in a stereotypically masculine way were more likely to react aggressively when their masculinity was questioned.

“We know that not all men respond aggressively to manhood threats,” said lead author Dr Adam Stanaland.

“Now we have evidence that certain adolescent boys respond similarly, pointing to the foundations of these potentially harmful processes.”

Lead author Dr Adam Stanaland
Lead author Dr Adam Stanaland

The study involved over 200 adolescent boys and their parents. The boys were subjected to a series of tests designed to measure their masculinity and their responses to perceived threats to it. The results showed a clear correlation between feelings of pressure to conform to gender roles and aggressive behaviour.

The findings highlight the importance of challenging traditional gender stereotypes and creating environments where boys feel free to express themselves without fear of judgement. By understanding the roots of this behaviour, researchers hope to develop effective interventions to prevent the development of harmful masculinities.

“Men’s aggression presents challenges for societies across the world,” said study co-author Andrei Cimpian.

“By identifying when and why certain boys begin showing aggressive responses to masculinity threats, this research is a first step in preventing the development of ‘fragile’ masculinities.”

The study underscores the need for a broader conversation about masculinity and its impact on society. By addressing the underlying issues that contribute to toxic masculinity, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.

Last Updated on Aug 7, 2024

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