Montana State Senator Theresa Manzella believes that LGBTQ+ people who receive verbal and physical abuse are simply facing the “normal consequences” of their “choices.”
The Republican lawmaker made the remarks on the 17th of November during an event to defend a minister who was accused of anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech after he said a food bank’s Pride fliers go against “biblical doctrine.”
Manzella, who was one of several speakers at the “God, Country, Family” event held at the Clinton Community Church defending Huber and his remarks.

“My right to live a righteous lifestyle based on my sincerely held beliefs does not end where their choice to live a perverse lifestyle begins,” the lawmaker claimed before adding that people who choose “alternative LGBTQ lifestyles” “are trying to “recruit young people.”
Manzella also highlighted recent stats that show around 85 per cent of queer Americans are too scared to hold hands in public, fearing harassment and violence.
“I’ve got to tell you; I think those are normal consequences associated with the choices they made,” she stated before concluding, “We’re here to celebrate Brandon Huber and his stand for God and godliness.”
Manzella now claims that her comments have been taken out of context, telling MTN News, “I did not say anything about violence or hate.”
Following being shown a transcript of her speech, Manzella bizarrely argued that by saying “choice,” she was actually referring to queer people choosing to be fearful of violence, as opposed to their sexuality, and still claims her comments have been misconstrued.
Last Updated on Nov 22, 2021
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