An LGBTI+ organisation in the United Kingdom believes that LGBTI+ youth may be better off staying in the closet during the coronavirus crisis lockdown.
With millions across the globe under a form of lockdown or isolation, Tim Sigsworth, CEO of the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT), has warned that the current situation could put those who are thinking of coming out at higher risk.
A UK support organisation for LGBTQ+ youth has warned that this could put those who are thinking of coming out at more risk.
Speaking with Sky News, Sigsworth says, “If you’re a young person and you’re thinking of coming out, press pause on that until you get support.”
“You can’t predict at these completely unprecedented times how your parents will react. They, like you, are under a lot of stress and they may not react in a positive way.”
“Talk to somebody, get some advice. Maybe pause for the minute and let’s look at what your situation is,” added Sigsworth.
The CEO of the Trust also noted that many LGBTI+ youth are already dealing with homelessness having been thrown out of home as a result of coming out prior to the current lockdown situation.
“We’re all being told to self-isolate, so being on the streets, it has to be the most dangerous place for a vulnerable young person at the moment,” he said.
Currently, in the United Kingdom, 24% of young people who are facing homelessness are LGBTI+, with 77% of those experiencing homelessness as a result of family rejection, ejection and abuse.
In the United States statistics show that 40% of the 4.2 million youth and young adults who experience some form of homelessness each year belong to the rainbow community.
Last Updated on Apr 7, 2020
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