Homophobic attacks on Grindr
2 min read

A series of targeted homophobic attacks in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Victoria has prompted authorities to issue warnings to gay men using Grindr.

These incidents have raised concerns about the safety of LGBTIQ+ individuals and highlighted the need for increased vigilance when meeting people online.

In the ACT, police are investigating two incidents believed to be premeditated and homophobic in nature. Authorities are exploring potential links between these attacks and are calling for public assistance.


The situation in Victoria is equally alarming, with police investigating a series of attacks on gay men connected to dating apps and social media. Since June, five incidents have been reported where groups of offenders posed as legitimate users to lure victims into meetings, subsequently assaulting, robbing, and subjecting them to homophobic abuse.

These attacks have followed a disturbing pattern, with offenders filming victims before assaulting them and stealing their belongings. Four of the incidents occurred in public places, while one took place at a victim’s residence after offenders used geotagging to locate him.

Victoria Police’s Hume Crime Investigation Unit is thoroughly investigating these incidents. Senior Constable Grace Fryer emphasised the seriousness of these crimes and urged anyone with information to come forward.

“We know this has been a distressing situation for the victims involved. This is why we’re working tirelessly to track down these offenders and hold them to account,” Fryer said in a statement.

“The more we know – the more we can do something about it and keep victims safe.

“If you or someone you know has experienced this behaviour after using a dating app or other social media platform please come forward.”

Acting Commander Kelly Lawson of the Priority and Safer Communities Division stressed that everyone has the right to form relationships safely and that such behaviour has no place in society.

While authorities acknowledge that incidents of this nature are rare, they are treating them with utmost seriousness. Both ACT and Victoria police forces have reaffirmed their commitment to the safety and well-being of LGBTIQ+ communities.

To enhance personal safety, police are advising app users to protect their identity and location when using dating platforms and to verify the other person’s identity before meeting. They also recommend arranging initial meetings in public places.

These incidents serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTIQ+ community. As dating apps continue to play a significant role in connecting people, users must remain vigilant and prioritize their safety. The LGBTIQ+ community and allies are encouraged to support one another and report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly.

Last Updated on Aug 1, 2024

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