Gay 8 – Mass Luciano
Current Mr. Gay World Mass Luciano has had a whirlwind 2015. He started the year as one of the red-hot favourites to win the 2015 Mr Gay World competition.
Once bullied in a Puerto Rican High School for being gay, the Mr Gay Hong Kong winner was originally named first runner-up in the Mr Gay World final in Capetown but then last month was awarded the title after the initial winner Klaus Burkart resigned his title.

Mass has his own line of men’s streetwear entirely designed and made in Hong Kong and since winning the Mr Gay World title has started to work alongside other Mr Gay World delegates to promote HIV testing in the World LGBTI community.

A big year deserves a big celebration and we congratulate Mass on his work in 2015 and wish him a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016.
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2015
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