30 Male Models in 30 Days is the brainchild of Sydney photographer Andrew Stubbersfield where he wanted to encourage more men in Sydney to get involved in photo shoots. Today we introduce you to the seventh model of the Sydney campaign.
Jez Bridie has happily answered a list of Eikon’s Five Favourite Questions, just to find out a little more about our Day 7 model.
1. Are you Gay, Bi, Straight or something else? Technically the term I use is Pansexual – attracted to people/personality regardless of gender. It’s not one a lot of people are familiar with so let’s go with bisexual.
2. Describe your first kiss? My first kiss was a very brief ‘lips pressed together’ as I dropped my (first ever) date at the train station.

3. Explain your most embarrassing moment? Well if we’re still going on themes of sexuality – I came out to the family when my father found stashes of gay porn on the computer, that was pretty embarrassing.
4. What do you want to get out of life? Ah, the age old question. I want to make a name for myself as an actor. All those giant dreams of Golden Globes and Oscar wins are on the table, but honestly, I think I’d be content contributing something of note to the Australian film industry/culture.

5. Which A-list character/star are you most like? So in terms of physical appearance, I get Mathew Broderick or Chris Klein a few times a year. Some of my work friends used to call me ‘Hugh’ (as in Jackman) due to my love of acting and (back then) wild wolverine hair. In terms of personality, I’m not sure. Mara Wilson maybe? Haha. Outspoken but also quite shy and anxious.
For more information about the 30 in 30 campaign or to express interest in being a part of the next competition visit the website here.
Last Updated on Jul 7, 2017
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