Former gay porn star ‘Race Cooper’ has spoken out about his experience in the industry, explaining that racism was “a daily constant.”
Race Cooper who originally started off in the industry as a casting director for the major porn studio Raging Stallion soon went on to perform in front of the camera himself, however, his time staring in films was short-lived.
With his work ethic and intelligence constantly being called into question, Cooper also said that not only was he was paid less than his white co-stars, he felt like he’s was only hired his porn studio could “appear less racist.“
Speaking with PinkNews, Cooper said, “In 2010 I became the only full-time Black person who worked as an employee, and was the only Black exclusive contract on their roster.”
Copper added that performers were often encouraged to write down racial categories they would be uncomfortable shooting a scene with.
“There was systemic racism at the company. The question of, ‘Is there anyone that you wouldn’t like to work with?’ was asked of all models and tracked with the encouragement from producers and directors to be ‘honest’ and ‘specific’.”
“I came to the industry with mainstream television and film experience, where such questions would immediately be banned and recognised as racist. But not in porn, where it was commonplace.”
Race Cooper said that Black men are still fetishised in degrading ways within the industry, and the impact on the actor is severe.
“When you fetishize a person, you are dehumanizing that person into a thing.”
“Fetishes like fist play or sling play have nothing to do with race or skin colour. Anyone can participate. But when your fetish is any interchangeable ‘Black guy’, you are taking the human component out of it, and just treating them as objects based on their skin colour.”
“I was made to feel like I was not worthy of praise, validation, and definitely less valuable than all of the white actors,” and adds that Black men in the porn industry are often reduced to nothing more than a body part – as is the case with the degrading porn category “BBC” or “Big Black C**k.”
While many major gay porn studios have responded to the Black Lives Matter protests across the globe by releasing supportive statements, Cooper highlights that it’s not enough and is encouraging more action around diversity.
“What I’ve come to understand is this: it’s easy to say racism is only elsewhere, such as police brutality, or in actors who have espoused racism on social media,” Cooper said.
“However, as a gay community that wants to truly be anti-racist, and support all of our brothers, sisters and cousins, we have to clean house. While Black Lives Matter focuses on police brutality, how we view and treat others sexually and engage with them, must also be addressed.
“It’s not enough to only care about Black people in public, but still reduce them to objects we hide under our bed at home. We can’t claim empathy when Black people are killed in the streets, considering we currently treat them differently in the sheets.
“Racism takes many forms, and our thoughts on racism and sex need to change.”
Last Updated on Jun 11, 2020
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