The rotation of board members at Auckland Pride continues with the announcement of Cissy Rock joining the board off the back of the Chairperson’s resignation recently.
Cassie Roma resigned as chair and board member two weeks ago just days after the organisation’s Annual General Meeting which left a number of attendees confused over who was eligible to vote at the meeting which saw Teokotai Paitai elected and Zakk d’Larté re-elected to the board.
A ‘mis-typed’ email incorrectly listed the date of the voting cutoff as July 3 when it was actually meant to be July 16.
The new board position has gone to community facilitator Cissy Rock who was appointed to the position with the unanimous support of all Board members.
In accordance with the constitution, Rock will serve as Chair for the remainder of Roma’s term, stepping down ahead of the next Annual General Meeting in 2019.
“I really want to make a space for all the community voices that want to be heard,” Rock said.
“To have those conversations that we need to have, that should be part of any energetic and robust Pride Festival.”
The new Board members join current members Verity George, Matt Jackson, Michael Lett and Adrian Noda. Lett has been elected to the role of Secretary, while Jackson has been elected as Treasurer.
There are still two positions available and expressions of interest have been called.
Last Updated on Aug 17, 2018
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