Christmas is the time of year to celebrate and indulge in food, fun and a little bit of extra Christmas cheer. As is the Eikon tradition we thought it only fair to follow traditions of Christmas’ past and give our readers some extra eye candy before the big day arrives.
Welcome to Eikon’s 12 Gays of Christmas.
Gay 7 – Anderson Cooper

The most prominent openly gay journalist on American television Anderson Cooper is gay number 7 of Eikon’s 12 Gays of Christmas.
For a career journalist like Cooper, an election year is always going to be huge and certainly this year with Donald Trump providing the most surprising of victories it was Anderson Cooper as the chief anchor on CNN who had to decipher the events for millions of Americans and 100’s of millions watching around the globe.

In the second presidential debate Cooper became the first openly gay man to moderate a debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Although that debate was uneventful, earlier in the republican primaries Cooper had caused a stir after he asked Trump about a photograph which the Republican re-tweeted which appeared to cast Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi in an unflattering light, Trump replied, “I thought it was a nice picture of Heidi.”
“Come on, you’re running for president of the United States,” Cooper replied,
“Sir, with all due respect, that’s the argument of a five-year-old.”

Cooper and his gay bar owner boyfriend Benjamin Maisani have been dating since 2009 and look to have already celebrated Christmas with family and friends before heading off to Myanmar for a well-earned break.
Merry Christmas Anderson and Benjamin, we hope you have a great 2017.
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2016
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