A new video encouraging the gay community of Ireland to bring their family members to polling booths to vote in the watershed marriage equality referendum on May 22, has been released by the Belong To coalition.
If the decision is ‘Yes’, Ireland could become the first country in the world to pass marriage equality by a popular, national vote.
To get this far is nothing short of a phenomenal achievement given that homosexuality in Ireland was only decriminalised in 1993 and the Civil Partnership Act was only passed in 2010.

If the referendum passes, the following line will be added to the country’s constitution: “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.”
The referendum enjoys support from all major political parties and the majority of the public, something unimaginable just a decade ago.

Even with all the positive support, the ‘Yes’ vote cannot be guaranteed and that’s why Irish LGBT advocacy group BeLonG To Youth Services has produced a touching ad to make sure people get out and vote.
The ad features many well-know local actors, most you wont recognise, and it puts an emphasis on friends and family of gay people voting ‘Yes’ in the referendum.
This ad, which is destined to go viral, follows a gigantic mural of a same-sex couple that appeared in Dublin last week.
The world will be watching Ireland in the lead-up to May’s referendum.
If the Irish electorate seizes this opportunity, it won’t just be a local victory, it could be the watershed moment the global movement for marriage equality has been waiting for.
Last Updated on Apr 19, 2015
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