The European Parliament has hit out at the recent rhetoric from the Italian government, likening Italy and its anti-LGBTQ+ stance to other nations such as Poland and Hungary.
In a recently adopted resolution, the Parliament condemned the dissemination of anti-rights, anti-gender, and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric by influential political leaders and governments within the EU, specifically citing Hungary, Poland, and Italy.
The resolution text also revealed the Parliament’s concern about the global spread of anti-rights, anti-gender, and anti-LGBTQ+ movements, fueled by political and religious leaders worldwide, including those in the EU.
Out of the 527 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who voted, 282 approved the resolution, 235 opposed it, and ten abstained. This resolution is part of a larger initiative that calls for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality and transgender identity.
Opposing the resolution, Forza MP Patrizia Marrocco has described the move as offensive, arguing that comparing Italy to autocratic countries is a grave insult for a democratic and civilised nation like Italy.
Speaking to Euractive, she expressed her disapproval of the trivialisation and instrumentalisation of recent events in Uganda and the discriminatory laws that impose the death penalty on LGBT+ rights. She also assured the Italian government would not compromise on LGBT+ rights or discriminate against individuals based on their sexual orientation.
In contrast, the Democratic Party of Italy agrees with the European Parliament’s stance and has been critical of the current Italian government’s “dangerous drift.”
Senator Cecilia D’Elia stated that the European Parliament’s resolution confirms what many in Italy already recognise: the government’s ill-advised decisions on rights have increasingly aligned Italy with the positions of the Visegrad Group.
Last Updated on Apr 24, 2023
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