American actor, professional wrestler, former mixed martial artist, and bodybuilder, Dave Bautista has some words of advice for anyone who has an issue with his lesbian mother.
The 48-year-old who has starred in films including The Man with the Iron Fists, Riddick, Spectre, and Guardians of the Galaxy where he featured as Drax, has a reputation for standing up for the rainbow community, with his latest comments being just as fiery as ever.
Bautista’s latest stance against homophobia occurred on Twitter following a fan’s tweet praising the actor for being an LGBTI ally.
“Obviously, no thanks necessary but I appreciate the acknowledgment,” Bautista explained before adding: “Proud son of a lesbian and anyone who has an issue with that can suck my balls.”
In 2016 during an interview with TMZ Bautista was questioned on what he thought of boxer Manny Pacquiao’s comments comparing LGBTI people to animals.
The former MMA fighter responded: “My mom happens to be a lesbian so I don’t f**king take that sh*t, If anyone called my mother an animal I’d stick my foot in his ass.”
Last Updated on Jun 13, 2017
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