2 min read

Step aside, awkward GP visits and endless waiting rooms. Australian gay men, meet Hey Fella – your virtual healthcare BFF and champion of all things well-being.

This pioneering online clinic, founded by Dr. Cris Quitral, is shattering stigma and making top-notch healthcare accessible for men who love men, wherever they are Down Under.

Dr. Cris knows the feeling. LGBTQIA+ Aussies often face hurdles navigating the healthcare system, with stigma and GP availability acting as unwelcome gatekeepers. A study by La Trobe University paints a stark picture: 43% of LGBTQIA+ Aussies feel least accepted in healthcare settings. Ouch.


But Hey Fella throws open the virtual door, offering a safe space for men to talk openly about their health, from PrEP to STIs to anything else on their minds. “Your online gay doctor” isn’t just a catchy slogan; it’s a reality. Dr. Cris and his team know our experiences, speak our language, and understand the importance of feeling comfortable in your own skin, both online and offline.

“It’s so important for our community to have the ability to feel comfortable talking about your health because sexual health is health,” Dr Cris said.

“We talk to many patients who have faced issues talking to their doctor about PrEP, STIs, and other related queer health issues. Not all health practitioners are regularly exposed to queer health, and some may even find it difficult to relate. But make no mistake, queer people live in every corner of Australia and deserve equal access to health care and options that keep them safe and healthy – like protection against HIV transmission, for example.”

Dr Cris Quitral - Hey Fella
Dr Cris Quitral – Hey Fella

Gone are the days of awkward silences and hesitant questions. Hey Fella’s innovative platform, co-founded by the tech-savvy Luke Fuller, lets you request services 24/7 and connect with Dr. Cris or another friendly clinician in real time, no matter where you call home. This, my friends, is healthcare with a smile and a rainbow flag flying high.

“We know the problems our community face,” said Fuller, echoing the sentiment of every man who’s ever winced at the thought of a potentially judgmental GP. “And we have the ability to solve this and make it better.”

And better it is. Hey Fella breaks down geographic barriers, ensuring that men in rural and remote areas have the same access to quality healthcare as their city counterparts.

From PrEP prescriptions to STI testing and beyond, Dr. Cris and his team are there to answer questions, offer support, and empower men to take control of their health.

To find out more go here.

Last Updated on Dec 15, 2023

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