I’m an avid kilt wearer and I am going to explain why you should be too!
First of all, it doesn’t matter what country you are from or what occasion you are going to, a kilt really is usually an acceptable form of clothing -but maybe not for certain activities like… trampolining!
It really is one of the most versatile garments available. Also no matter what tartan the kilt is, it will never go out of fashion.
A kilt will get you noticed wherever you’re wearing it, be it at a wedding, at the office or out to dinner and drinks.
It is a great way to meet new people, I’ve lost count of the number of strangers who have come up to me while I have been wearing my kilt, and started a conversation. Trust me, I know those people wouldn’t have been so inclined to break the ice if I had been wearing jeans.
Wearing a kilt takes strength. Confidence. It takes BALLS.
I look at it like wearing a speedo (swim brief, “budgie smuggler”), some of the most macho men have a problem with it due their own insecurities… but -like a swim brief- wearing a kilt is a clear show of being comfortably and confident in not only you’re your style but also in yourself and your own skin.
Of course more so depending on what you are wearing or not wearing UNDER your kilt…
A common question I get:
‘What do you have on under your kilt?’
Traditionally, Scots do not wear anything under their kilts, or at least they are not supposed to. But you can wear whatever you want under your kilt, it is completely up to you. -My personal style is the “traditional” way.
Wearing a kilt has strong psychological benefits, research indicates that men wearing a kilt experience a strong sense of freedom and masculinity and -let’s face it- many people are attracted to men in kilts.
The kilt gives a man a deeper sensuous awareness of his own body and how it will be seen by others.
From a health point of view, a kilt is a much more sensible garment to wear than a pair of tight fitting trousers, ask any doctor about male fertility and health, the freedom to keep cool and for the skin to breath thus reducing the chances of developing jock itch etc. it also will lend you a higher reproductive potential -should you be wanting to father a child.
So, wearing a kilt is fashionable, healthy for the body and mind, sexy to others and inspires strangers to strike up a conversation. . . so get kilted up already and get out there!
Last Updated on Jul 7, 2016
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