A recent poll has shown that an astonishing 61% of the population of Malta are ready and willing to accept same-sex marriage in conjunction with giving the LGBTI community the same rights, and equal treatment to heterosexual couples.
The poll which was conducted by iSurvey and commissioned by The Malta Independent revealed that 61.3% of respondents were in favour of same-sex marriage, 25% were against, 10.1% do not care, while 3.7% were unable to decide.
The result shows a large transition in a very short period considering that Malta who recently hosted the current Mr Gay World Competition, only introduced civil unions between same-sex couples two years ago.
The recent poll follows mainstream political parties in Malta expressing support for same-sex marriage, however, a number of LGBTI rights advocates have since come out and questioned when political statements and policy will translate into the concrete action they desire.
The poll results have also shown that a staggering 81% of respondents who were not eligible to vote in the last general election are in favour of same-sex marriage, indicating a strong shift in the minds of new voters.
More females than males were also in favour of same-sex marriage, with 62.7% of females in favour as opposed to 59.7% of males.
Last Updated on Apr 25, 2016
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