Nemo wins Eurovision 2024 and arrives home in Switzerland as a hero. (Credit: Sarah Louise Bennett_EBU & @ZurichPride on Instagram.)
Nemo wins Eurovision 2024 and arrives home in Switzerland as a hero. (Credit: Sarah Louise Bennett_EBU & @ZurichPride on Instagram.)
2 min read

Nemo, the 24-year-old Swiss non-binary artist, touched down at Zurich Airport to a hero’s welcome after winning Eurovision 2024 with their powerful song “The Code.”

Hundreds of fans, waving flags and chanting Nemo’s name, greeted the returning champion with cheers, hugs, and the unmistakable clanging of cowbells.

The wait for Nemo’s arrival was filled with anticipation, with fans even serenading the airport with renditions of “The Code.”


Nemo’s victory in the final of Eurovision 2024 held at Malmö in Sweden, wasn’t just about music; it was a celebration of identity. Their song, “The Code,” explores the journey of self-discovery and embracing their non-binary identity.

Fans reflected this sentiment, holding banners proclaiming “Smash the Binary: We Exist” and “Woman, Man, Human” with a big tick marking the “human” option.

Nemo with their trophy just before breaking it on the Eurovision stage. (Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU)
Nemo with their trophy just before breaking it on the Eurovision stage. (Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU)

In a post-arrival press conference, Nemo expressed a mixture of relief and disbelief.

“It doesn’t feel real at all,” they admitted, before announcing their well-deserved relaxation plans.

“I’m going to lie down and try to calm down a bit.”

Even the winner’s trophy couldn’t escape the power of “The Code” – Nemo joked about how they had broken the code and broken the trophy during the finale.

Nemo’s victory transcends national borders. With an estimated audience of over 160 million viewers, they’ve become an international star. Their hometown of Biel/Bienne, Switzerland’s largest bilingual city, is already planning a grand public reception to honour their local hero.

The win also carries the exciting responsibility of hosting Eurovision 2025. While several Swiss cities are vying for the privilege, Biel/Bienne has ambitions of its own.

Mayor Erich Fehr acknowledges the logistical challenges but sees an opportunity for collaboration.

“We have very good infrastructure, but… we can’t do it alone,” Ferh said.

“We would have to look to partners, ideally Bern because of its proximity.”

Nemo celebrates with broken trophy. (Credit: Alma Bengtsson/EBU)
Nemo celebrates with broken trophy. (Credit: Alma Bengtsson/EBU)

Swiss media echoed the national pride. Swiss Broadcasting Corporation chief Gilles Marchand hailed Nemo’s “tremendous success” and expressed enthusiasm for hosting the competition.

“This will be a major opportunity for the arts and tourism,” he stated.

Nemo’s Eurovision win is a milestone not just for Switzerland, but for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. Their journey of self-acceptance, reflected in “The Code,” has resonated with millions.

As Switzerland gears up to host Eurovision 2025, one thing is certain: the world is ready to be dazzled by Nemo’s code-breaking magic once again.

Last Updated on May 13, 2024

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