New Years Eve is a time for celebration and partying, but more and more, many of us are using the night to spend at home with our loved ones or just watching a movie and heading to bed way before the clock strikes twelve.
For those of us unlucky to get that all-important invite to the swanky party or just can’t be bothered with the crowds the fireworks, Netflix have devised a cunning way to help you pretend it’s already New Year without having to wait until midnight.
Thanks to Netflix you can now choose when it’s time to say goodnight.
Whether it’s 10 pm, 9 pm, 8 pm or anytime, Netflix has added six on-demand countdown specials launching today.
You can fire these channels up at any time leading to the big hour and you don’t have to buy a movie ticket or buy some swanky device, its all part of your normal Netflix service.
Following research by Netflix, viewers in the US, UK, Canada and Australia agree 9 p.m. is the new midnight. Nearly half of people in these countries say they’d countdown those famous 10 seconds by 9 p.m. (49%).
Nearly half of people in these countries say they’d countdown those famous 10 seconds by 9 p.m. (49%).
No matter where you are, start your party anytime, anywhere by searching New Year’s Eve Countdown on Netflix. And we won’t tell anyone you didn’t wait until midnight.
And we won’t tell anyone you didn’t wait until midnight.
Last Updated on Dec 29, 2015
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