A new ruling by the General Service Administration will now ensure transgender people the right to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity in all federal buildings within the United States.
The policy change protecting the rights of both transgender employees and visitors in all 10,000 buildings under federal control including federal courthouses and Social Security offices to name a few.
Citing recent decisions by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which clarified that “discrimination based on transgender status is sex discrimination,” the policy also builds on federal policy guidance on transgender employees issued by the Office of Personnel Management in 2015, and guidance from Department of Justice and Department of Education.
“Federal agencies occupying space under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of GSA must allow individuals to use restroom facilities and related areas consistent with their gender identity.”
“The self-identification of gender identity by any individual is sufficient to establish which restroom or other single-sex facilities should be used.”
The policy change also states, “Transgender individuals do not have to be undergoing or have completed any medical procedure, nor can they be required to show proof of surgery to be treated in accordance with their gender identity and obtain access to the restroom corresponding with their gender identity. Further, Federal agencies may not restrict only transgender individuals to only use single-occupancy restrooms.”
General Services Administration spokeswoman Ashley Nash-Hahn says that the policy change includes all kinds of Americans. “We wanted to make clear that a person can use facilities that match their gender identity, and we think that’s a good thing.”
Last Updated on Aug 21, 2016
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