After releasing their acclaimed gay fairytale in February 2017, the Wellington-based authors of illustrated children’s book Promised Land has launched a new Kickstarter funding campaign for a second book with a Lesbian love story at its heart.
In Maiden Voyage, a fisherman’s daughter inherits a treasure map and joins the crew of a courageous sea captain.
Pursuing them on their high seas adventure is a fierce band of pirates bewitched by a wicked Queen who is determined to keep her dark secret from surfacing.
“We’ve co-written this new story with Lesbian writer Jaimee Poipoi to help us bring further authentic LGBTQ storytelling voices and representation into the Promised Land universe,” said co-author Adam Reynolds.
“We’ve heard from countless readers all over the world telling us they want to see themselves represented in books like ours. We’re hoping to make this a series of inclusive books, and for ‘Promised Land Tales’ to provide much-needed authentic queer representation and visibility in media going forward,” said co-author Chaz Harris.
Promised Land gained international attention after raising over $42,000 from a Kickstarter campaign that went viral in 2016.
Since its release, Promised Land has attracted reader acclaim and celebrity support including LGBTQ activists George Takei and more recently Sir Ian McKellen (Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit), who said: “From every point-of-view, including artistically, it’s a beautiful book.”

The campaign to create a new LGBTQ themed fairytale and raise the funds on Kickstarter has already reached 70% with under seven days to go.
Their funding campaign runs until 13 November and can be supported on Kickstarter here.
Last Updated on Nov 7, 2017
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