A new video has emerged showing Kentucky same-sex couple David Moore and David Ermold, having their marriage licence request refused by the Rowan County Clerk’s office in Kentucky, USA.
Same-sex marriage was officially made legal in all fifty US states by the Supreme Court on 26 June 2015.
However cases are still emerging of same-sex marriage licences being refused by officials due to their own personal or religious beliefs.
Moore and Ermold, who have been together for over 17 years, returned to the Rowan County Clerk’s office this week to request a marriage licence after their initial request had been refused by County Clerk Kim Davis.
Since the initial refusal a judge ruled that her (Davies) religious beliefs could not legally be used as a reason to not perform the duties she pledged to do when she took the oath of office.
Yet inspite of this the licence was still not issued to the couple.
Davis and the other clerks have now been told to issue licences or resign by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear.
Last Updated on Aug 18, 2015
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