A secret pride celebration has been held for Ugandans following the country’s official event’s cancellation.
The official pride celebration was called off by organisers after an increase in police activity and monitoring, of the proposed celebration.
“It should be clear to all our key partners and the rest of the world that the struggle for equality in Uganda is far from over,” Organisers stated in a cancellation statement.
Despite the mounting pressure to discontinue, organisers pushed on with the secret pride celebration in Uganda’s capital, Kampala.
All Out (one of Pride Uganda’s international partners) Executive Director Matt Beard, described the event as being “full of joy and defiance.”
“If we hadn’t managed to somehow get a triumphant ending to an otherwise very sad week, it would have left me feeling a bit traumatized,” added Petter Wallenberg who is the founder of Rainbow Riots.
“We couldn’t let this week finish without reaching some kind of crescendo, some kind of triumphant conclusion.”
In contrast to the fun and positive atmosphere inside the pride event, organisers say that they managed to pull off the event successfully, by ensuring that security was extremely tight, ensuring the safety of all attendees of the underground celebration.
Last Updated on Aug 24, 2017
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