Many men find it very challenging and difficult, trying to define the different dress codes required for specific events. Many scratch their heads in confusion, trying to make sense of what they even mean. Today we will speak about a dress code that is not so frequently explored but used majority of the time. Introducing the star for today: Smart Casual.
1. Cut and fitting.
This is the dynamic duo of dressing: cut and fitting. While your garment should fit your shoulders and chest nicely, they should never be over tailored. You don’t want too much fit that you start looking like you’re wearing a Durex onesie. There should be enough breathable space between the garment and your skin while still looking sleek. All this must be done ideally, with effortless ease. The Italians renaissance writer, Baldassare Castiglione best describe this astounding mannerism as, sprezzatura. Yes. Beautiful to the tongue and beautiful in practice. It basically means to do things in an effortless manner, or in this case, to be effortlessly stylish. (I woke up looking like James Bond)
2. Season relevant
Fabric, texture and colour are a vital element in distinguishing whether a piece of clothing or your overall dress code is relevant to the season. As a rule of thumb for colour, lighter shades for spring and summer, while darker tones for autumn and winter. Please be aware that colours actually come in a vibrant selection over a vast spectrum. For example, there are more than 20 shades of brown that can be adjusted to specific seasons. Calibre provides some beautiful shades and colors appropriate to the respective season. Fabric and texture are of crucial importance when dressing as we often give little attention to these two elements and occasionally end up wearing a wool pants out on a summers day. To that, I will pity your future off-springs.
3. Accessories
Accessories are the cream on top. If your dressing style was to be described as a tree, your general top, bottom and shoes would be the leaves to the tree. While precise colour, tones and shades would pose as the fruits of the trees. And finally good accessories would be the flowers that make a tree complete. With that analogy, it is evident that a good balance is crucial. NEVER over accessorise. If not you would end up looking like nothing but a Christmas tree. In addition, make sure that your belt and shoes are either matching or compliment each other. The worst is having them be in total opposite which would ruin the outfit as a whole. Gentleman, checkout Jacob Stone for some masculine rustic accessories that complete your look.
4. Groom
Groom, groom, groom. I can never emphasise enough of this. Most men think they need to go out and spend large sums of money for a makeover or to keep themselves well, but in actual fact, ensuring you are well groomed in itself creates a world of a difference. When I refer to groom, I don’t mean to shave all the hair off. What I mean is ensuring that your beard or men bun is nice and tidy. Aesthetically pleasing to the eye and not a yeti.
Signing off,
Lucian Plaumann
Hugh is wearing Calibre top and bottom. Belt is by Jacob Stone
Photography by: The Undefined Photography
Last Updated on Oct 3, 2019
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