Three trans women will soon be serving side-by-side as sworn members of the India Police Force, marking a historic point in the nation’s LGBTI history.
After graduating from the Indian State of Tamil Nadu’s academy training, the trio will soon be on the beet from the first of November as constables.
The recruitment which comes after the Tamil Nadu Police departments increased efforts to accept trans people into their force.
“It is a welcome move and other States should follow. We have been denying them their due space for centuries. I am happy that the third gender has joined us. “M.C. Borwankar Director-General, Bureau of Police Research & Development explained to the Hindu.
“We have now proved our mettle. I am sure the third gender will also rise to the expectations of the department and deliver.”
The Police college which has been working to establish facilities for trans people at its barrack accommodation, currently allows trans applicants to apply under any gender they feel comfortable identifying with.
“As a matter of policy, the third gender will be eligible to apply for all recruitment’s conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board in future. The entry of transgenders is yet another milestone for the State Police.”
The three trans recruits follow in the footsteps of Prithika Yashini, who fought a lengthy court battle to be eligible to serve in the Indian Police Force.
Last Updated on Oct 3, 2017
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