In an attempt to portray a united and organised festival, the Auckland Pride Board have this week sent out information regarding the February celebration pushing the line that it’s ‘All Go’.
The board has thanked community members who have organised events for the festival and asked that anyone else who might be interested to register their event by January 13, giving them only four days and making it clear that they must run the event by the new festval coordinator Joel Walsham before completing the registration form.
But there is little detail surrounding the welfare of the Auckland Pride Parade or March as it now seems to be called, only that the date has changed from February 17 to early evening on February 9 and that more details would be coming soon.
The Auckland Pride Parade and in essence the whole festival was sent into turmoil late last year when police were asked not to march in the parade in their uniforms.
Following weeks of community uproar, sponsors and supporters removing their support and rowdy community meetings, the board survived but the parade hasn’t.
Media outlets have suggested the march would be conducted down Queen Street in Auckland city rather than in Ponsonby, following the Ponsonby Business Association’s support for the event being pulled.
February 9 is also the day before the Ending HIV Big Gay Out which is currently the only Pride event appearing to be on
Last Updated on Jan 11, 2019
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