Coffee has grown to become an integral part of our society’s culture.
Walking down the street on a early Monday morning, there will be a cafe at every turn of the corner tempting you with its seductive fragrance.
The taste and aroma combined with its distinct style and ingredients has made coffee an iconic beverage of our present culture.
The coffee culture phenomenon has grown so rapidly that I have decided to explore its connection with fashion.
Before we begin, we need to underline that the espresso layer represents an individuals distinct style and identity.
In essence, it is the persons core fashion sense.
The Espresso
These are individuals of strong, avant garde styles.
Much like the beverage, they articulate their potent fashion sense relentlessly and at times can cause quite a controversy.
These espressos can be spotted from a mile away; their style is distinct and has an acquired taste. Personally, you either love it or hate it.
The Flat White
While maintaining a good level of individual style, The Flat Whites take into consideration other factors that contribute to their overall fashion sense like adding milk to the coffee.
They are aware that these cues are necessary but still form a good balance with their own personal identity and fashion sense.
These factors often include:
- What media suggests as trendy
- What culture dictates as cool
- What friends accept as the norm
The Latte Machiatto
Being 70% milk and 30% espresso, these individuals prefer to take conventions and cues of fashion prior to considering what their true identities are.
Their overall fashion sense is easily swayed or persuaded by what fashion icons dictate are stylish.
The Americano
Historically, the name Americano originates from popular belief that the American soldiers in Italy would dilute an espresso with hot water.
The Americanos in fashion are individuals that are highly influenced by the American pop culture and media.
Their distinct style is diluted by American influential celebrities and media, such as Kanye, Beyonce and Century Fox.
They are the Hollywood worshipers.
The Mochaccino
Froth, whipped cream, chocolate and espresso.
These are the individuals with a fashion castrophe.
The Mochaccinos in fashion are confused with their personal style and even begin adding chocolate syrup as a manifestation of their identity crises.
They have no clarity of who or what they want to be and I would personally recommend they hire a stylist before stepping out of the house the next time.
What coffee beverage represents your individual fashion sense?
Photo shoot credits:-
Photographer: Ben Loris
Makeup & Hair: Karis Elizabeth
Wearing: French83
Models: Ali Harris & Tom Thexton
Last Updated on Oct 3, 2019
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