History has been made in Malta, following the approval of a same-sex couple to adopt a child being given by the Family Court.
The first adoption by a same-sex couple follows the introduction of the nation’s Civil Unions legislation, which entitles same-sex couple the same rights as a couple would receive if married.
Despite same-sex adoption never technically being illegal in Malta, the recent Civil Union legislation has proven to be a catalyst for the historic event with the family court agreeing that the legislation includes the right to adopt.
With the gender or the sexuality of both potential parents not being part of the adoption criteria, the adoption process is simply centred around an assessment of the suitability of the applicants to raise, love, and care for a child by the Family Court.
Same-sex adoption is currently legal in approximately 26 countries around the world, however, the adoption is often in the form of a joint adoption by a same-sex couple, where one partner of a same-sex couple, adopts the other’s biological child (step-child adoption).
Last Updated on Jul 17, 2016
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