The first of Germany’s gay couples that are now officially allowed to marry will all start to happen today.
After decades of struggling to have the laws changed couples will convert existing civil partnerships or set the seal on their relationships for the first time in Berlin, while others exchange rings in Hanover, Hamburg and other cities.
Even though the law changes were voted on in Parliament in June, the bureaucracy needed to ratify laws before it could become official. It is still not complete as some government software will be unable to officially record two men or two women as married until next year — meaning some online paperwork will still register them as “husband” and “wife.”
There are roughly 94,000 same-sex couples in Germany that now have the right to marry.
Joerg Steinert the head of gay and lesbian rights organisation LSVD in Berlin today is a very symbolic first step.
“Finally our country is joining the rest of Europe,” said Steinert.
Last Updated on Oct 1, 2017
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