Mr Gay Pride Australia David Francis is joining a dozen other marriage equality supporters and heading to regional New South Wales this weekend to encourage country people to vote in the same-sex marriage plebiscite.
The road trip visiting country centres in Bathurst, Young, Wagga Wagga and Albury will see the group arrive in town with iPads and forms ready to sign locals up to the voting roll and make sure they will receive the postal ballot.
The group is also made up of a mixture of political leanings with supporters of Liberal, Labor, Nationals and Greens joining the excursion.
Speaking before the trip, David said it was important to make sure that the enrol to vote message wasn’t just confined to the metropolitan regions of Australia.
“The road trip has been organised to give us the chance to talk with locals about the plebiscite and the importance of marriage equality, but also just to make sure their vote counts and check that they are actually on the electoral roll,” said David.
“People living in country towns can easily be overlooked by what’s happening in the cities.
“It can already feel very isolating growing up questioning your sexual or gender identity, but geographic isolation adds a whole other layer to deal.
“We want to make sure that people living in these regions don’t feel forgotten and that there are people out there willing to fight for them too.”
The road trip will be Visiting the town centres but also meeting up with LGBTI Parents and Friends Groups in Bathurst and Albury.
Last Updated on Aug 18, 2017
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