Mr. Gay New Zealand Finalist Max Small wants to make it easier for anyone to come out of the closet and be with whoever they love.
The 19-year-old dual Kiwi-US citizen has been excited about being a part of the competition so far.
“The thing that excites me the most about being in this competition is that you get the chance to meet so many people who are all so positive about the gay community and getting equal rights for couples,” Max said speaking with eikon.
“I think that every single contestant looks good in their own way and also has their own advantage to what they would do if they won, every single contestant has their own unique look on things regarding the Rainbow community.
“I just want to say good luck to everyone.”

Max has more than 23,000 followers on Instagram and believes this will be of benefit when it comes to being judged at the final of Mr. Gay New Zealand next Sunday at Big Gay Out.
“I have a lot of exposure worldwide, I can reach out to a wider audience to help people all over the world and maybe even convince people to visit New Zealand from other countries.
“I’m like 6’1” and my hair makes up like 1/5 of my height and also I have a very positive attitude towards everything I do and am always willing to give things a go at least once otherwise you never know what might’ve happened.”

If he wins the Mr. Gay New Zealand competition, Max wants to make life easier for the LGBT community.
“I want to make it easier for anyone to come out to loved ones without feeling the need to hide in the closet anymore.
The final of Mr. Gay New Zealand 2017 will be held at the Ending HIV Big Gay Out on Sunday 12 February. You can still vote for your favourite finalist here.
Last Updated on Feb 7, 2017
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