With public voting now officially open, the New Zealand public can have their say on who they believe should take the 2016 Mr. Gay New Zealand Title, and represent New Zealand at the Mr. Gay World Competition in Malta later this year.
The eight finalists who are vying for the title of Mr. Gay new Zealand 2016 come from all over New Zealand and say they are excited to take part in the biggest Mr. Gay New Zealand Competition to date.
Speaking with eikon, the current Mr. Gay New Zealand, Matt Fistonich said that the 2016 competition is likely to be very close.
“Its inspiring to see eight talented and unique kiwis in this years Mr. Gay New Zealand final. I believe that no matter who wins this year, any of the finalists will make a huge contribution to the LGBTI community and will have a great chance at bringing the Mr. Gay World Title back to New Zealand.”
Members of the public will be able to make one vote per day for their favourite finalist until voting officially closes at 5pm on Saturday the 13th of February 2016.
The 2016 final will be held on the 14th of February 2016 at the LYC Big Gay Out, which is the flagship event of Auckland’s annual Pride Festival.
Last Updated on Feb 8, 2016
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