How do you get your advertising campaign to stand out amongst the crowded gym and fitness market? Place a 75-year-old Grandma in a gay club and ask the question “How did I get here?”
That’s exactly what the Australian arm of worldwide fitness/gym chain Fitness First have done, to try and convey the emotional rewards that live beyond the gym, by showing the world that Fitness First members lead more fearless lives.
Fitness First How Did I Get Here? Grandma from VCCP Sydney on Vimeo.
Managing Partner of creative agency VCCP Australia David Kennedy-Cosgrove said they wanted to bring meaning to the Fitness First name by conveying that fitness is, in fact, the first step to creating a more interesting life.
“No brand makes us successful at life, we do that ourselves. And very few brands have the ability to be our secret weapon or ally, helping us get to where we want to be. Fitness First is one of the rare exceptions,” Mr Kennedy-Cosgrove explained.
“The idea is simple. When you’ve found your winning moment, you ask the question ‘How did I get here?” and the answer to that question is ‘Fitness First’, a subtle nod to your willing partner on that journey,” said Dean Hunt, Founding Creative Director, VCCP Australia.
The campaign is made up of seven different scenarios, ranging from the 75-year-old Grandma on a night out in a gay club, to a young naked couple catching some rays on their balcony, to a 45-year-old Mum being challenged by her children on a rock climbing expedition.
“Yes, fitness is a hard sweat and you’ve got to work at it, but the end result can lead to a range of emotional and physical benefits,” said Sam Bragg, Head of Marketing, Fitness First Australia.
“That’s why Fitness First exists, to get you to that moment.”
Last Updated on Oct 7, 2015
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