The world’s largest and most popular dating app is set to take a progressive step forward making its application “Transgender Friendly.”
The innovative modern dating app which introduced its swipe left and right feature in conjunction with the ability to adjust personal preferences has amassed over 50 million users so far and is now working with GLAAD in order to recognise transgender people.
To date, Tinder has failed to recognise transgender and gender communities who identify outside of the current male and female categories and has been accused of having a transphobia problem.
However in response to criticism CEO Sean Rad has revealed that the app is moving up and has scheduled plans in introducing new settings to make its services available.

Speaking at the Reason Code Conference in Los Angles, Rad says, “One challenge we face at Tinder is making sure our tens of millions of users around the world have the same user experience.”
“No matter who you are, no matter what you’re looking for, you should get quality matches through the Tinder experience. There’s an important transgender (and gender nonconforming) community on Tinder who haven’t had that experience… yet.”
“We haven’t delivered for them, so we’re working with LGBTQ advisors, including transgender activist Andrea James and GLAAD, to help us address this important demographic. This is not only the right thing to do for our users, it’s the right thing to do, period.”
According to Huffington Post, a representative from GLAAD has confirmed that the organisation are currently working with Sean Rad and Tinder, however, they were unable to disclose any further details.
Last Updated on Jun 5, 2016
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