For the first time, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande have performed their hit duet Rain On Me, during the first fully-virtual MTV Video Music Awards.
Donning face coverings, Gaga and Grande delivered the performance live together for the first time with a performance that’s being described as iconic.
The performance starts off Showing Gaga, snug in a Chromatica throw blanket and wearing a COVID appropriate LED face mask, staring at an old-school television watching a 1999 performance by Britney Spears and N*Sync.
Before the Britney performance can begin, Gaga throws off the blanket before sliding down a pole into a room of mannequins before a dancer reveals she’s on the VMA stage in New York City.
Launching into “911” Gaga soon leaps into “Rain On Me” and Grande appears on the stage, wearing a black silk mask.
Watch the full performance on express below:
Last Updated on Sep 5, 2020
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