And with that simple exclamation, Chris Mears melted gay hearts all around the world as the Rio Olympic Games Gold Medallist hits the gay press for another round of photo shoots.
This time the Gay Times Magazine in the UK have published a cover shoot of Chris Mears in his finest, yeah almost nothing.
Actually, some of the shots seem to incorporate more than your fair share of clothing, unusual for the Instagram star who rarely posts an image without showing his naked chest.
Anyone for gold, frankincense and @ChrisMears93? The Brit diver is back where he belongs – on the cover of GT. Via https://t.co/KTWRgsA0xw. pic.twitter.com/xLfsQFXQxD
— Gay Times Magazine (@GayTimesMag) November 19, 2016
In the interview that accompanied the photos, Gay Times reporter William Connolly asked about Mears’ response the the Daily Mail’s now infamous caption “Steady on chaps!” when he and Gold Medal partner Jack Laugher jumped into each other’s arms after winning the gold medal.
“At the end of the day, that headline didn’t bother me – I actually laughed at it! People were saying to me, ‘Oh, that’s disgusting! I can’t believe they’d say that!’ I was like, ‘Whatever, I don’t really care.’,” Mears explained to Gay Times.
“For anyone to get me in a bad mood after I’d just won the Olympics would be quite tough.”

On returning from Rio, Mears went on a ‘month bender’ which led him to Los Angeles and other parts of the world where he met up with lots of friends and celebrities that all shared in his success and that famous Gold Medal.
“For weeks after winning, there wasn’t a single day that went by I didn’t pick it (The Gold Medal) up, look at it or even wear it.
“I could make a list of all the celebrities I admire that’ve worn this medal and, I admit, it’s pretty nice to just look at.”

Away from the pool and the relentless training that went into securing Britain’s first Olympic Diving Gold Medal, Mears loves spending his time DJing and mixing tracks for his, one-day inevitable album.
“But there’s never a happier moment for me than when I’m behind the decks in front of a crowd DJing.
“Or when I’m away from the pool and I’m sat producing music. I’ve got a pretty perfect life, to be honest.”

Mears has always shown great support to LGBT+ organisations and knows his gay fans have helped him become one of the most recognised Olympians of the recent games.
He is very comfortable around gay guys, even having many really close gay friends.
During the GayTimes photo shoot, the music in the studio moved on to Mariah Carey and then Mears’ gay side arrived.
“I love Mariah so much! Honestly, I’m like the gayest straight guy you’ll ever meet,” he exclaimed.
And when pressed on his gay fan base he is equally vocal.
“It’s honestly so great!
“I’ll refer to something I was talking about just seconds ago which is self-confidence and belief.
“In order to have this fan base, it means that all these people that follow me have had the bravery to admit like, y’know, ‘Hey, I’m gay!’ And it’s really great that people can be so open and it’s so accepted now.
“Like, it’s the norm – you should be whoever you wanna be and you should be able to voice that to anybody and anybody.
“It’s an honour for me to have all these people following me, whoever they might be, and whatever sexuality, guy, girl or whatever. I feel their support greatly.”
Along with photo-shoots and interviews, Mears has also had a Golden Bus created in his name around his local area in London. His diving prowess is now on show for all to see every day.
Last Updated on Nov 19, 2016
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