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Gay Nation Team

Freddie Fox

The Crown’s Freddie Fox Gains Advantage From Being ‘Rounded’ Sexually

Freddie Fox, the actor who plays Margaret Thatcher's son mark in the season four return of The Crown has once again indicated he might...
covid-19 gay bar threat

Allegations of Covid-19 Infected Man Planning to Spread Virus In Gay...

Police are continuing to investigate allegations that a man who claims to be infected with Covid-19 intends to maliciously spread the virus throughout the...
Sydney Cricket Ground

Sydney Cricket Ground to Host 2021 Mardi Gras Parade

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade is moving the parade from the streets of Sydney to the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) in...
UK LGBT+ Census

UK Census First: Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation Questions Included

For the first time, the UK Office for National Statistics will ask questions related to gender identity and sexual orientation in a nationwide census. Attempts...
NZ Parliament

Ardern Wins, Rainbow Parliament Breaks Records

Following the landslide re-election of the Jacinda Ardern led government of New Zealand, the makeup of the new parliament may end up being the...
Joan Bellngham as a nurse suffered electroshock therapy

Trainee Nurse Suffered 12 Years of Electroshock Therapy for Being Gay

A former trainee nurse has spoken of suffering through 12 years of electroshock therapy and a concoction of drugs, for being gay. Joan Bellingham, now...

British Doctors Push For Easier Gender Identity Change

Doctors in Britain have taken the positive step of allowing transgender and non-binary people the right to self-identify. Currently, any individual who wishes to amend...
putin and trans flag

Russian Legislation Declares War on Trans People

A new Russian law aims to prohibit the change of marital status for trans people which could have a retroactive effect and prevent straight...
Star Trek Discovery Season 3

Star Trek Unveils First Non-Binary and Trans Characters

The latest season of the TV series Star Trek: Discovery has recognised 'Resistance is Futile' by announcing the shows first non-binary and transgender characters,...
Ethan is Supreme

17-Year-Old Beauty Influencer and YouTuber Ethan Is Supreme Has Died

Beauty influencer and YouTuber, Ethan Is Supreme, has reportedly died at just 17 years old from an overdose. Ethan Is Supreme (Real name Ethan Peters),...

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