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Gay Nation Team

Auckland Pride Parade

Eikōn at Auckland Pride Parade

The Auckland Gay Pride Parade is one of the major events on the New Zealand gay calendar. While you are watching or participating in the parade...
Dannii Minogue

The Queen of Clubs, Danni Minogue, to Perform at Mardi Gras...

Sydney Mardi Gras confirmed today, what was a very strong rumour that singer/songwriter, international TV star, style icon and Mardi Gras favourite, Dannii Minogue...
Hugh & Ali wearing Sly Underwear

The Path To Men’s Armour

While men's lingerie has been something of a taboo to speak about for most of the time, it has become an increasingly intriguing subject...
Stuart Broad

9 Eikōnic Players of the Cricket World Cup

The world's sporting spotlight is once again on New Zealand as we are hosting the Cricket World Cup for the next six weeks along...
The Hex Tie

The Hex Tie – Revolutionary Men’s Accessory?

What: I was having a fun day on the internet browsing and I happened upon this spectacular piece of mens accessory. This piece of exquisite art...
LYC CHargers

A Gay first for local Auckland Community Sport

In what could be a first local Auckland sport, an LGBTI inclusive touch football team will play in the final of the A grade...

Age Gap Love – Can it work?

Next Wednesday TV3 premieres a remarkable series that explores relationships with a large age gap. Age Gap Love showcases remarkable couples who are all determined...

Outcry over Urban Outfitters Tapestry Resembling Gay Concentration Camp Uniform

A piece of tapestry has appeared in US clothing retailer Urban Outfitters outlets which has raised the ire of the US Anti-Defamation League. The Jewish...
Fuck Valentines Day Card

7 eikonic gifts for your Valentine

Heres a list of some of our favourite gift ideas for that special someone in your life for this Valentines Day. 7. First you will require...
Sam Smith wins four Grammys - Instagram

Sam Smith thanks ex boyfriend for his four Grammys

Sam Smith defied the pundits and his ex boyfriend by taking out four Grammy's at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles...

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